Membership Appreciation BBQ - Spring Into Summer
Wednesday, April 24, 2024 (5:00 PM - 7:00 PM) (PDT)
Our Annual Spring Into Summer Membership Appreciation BBQ will be April 24th at the Wallace Chamber Picnic Area. We will also be holding our ceremony for Volunteer of the Year Awards. Come join us for Dinner and Awards: Mix and Mingle at 5:00pm with Dinner starting at 5:15pm. This is a free event for our members and guests but please RSVP so we can get a count for food. We will be serving up burgers and hot dogs, potato salad and chips with cookies and water.
10 River Street
Wallace, ID, ID 83873 United States
5:00pm Mix & Mingle 5:15pm Dinner 5:45pm Announcements & Awards