Depot Days Car Show - Northern Pacific Railroad Museum Event
Saturday, May 11, 2024
Every year in May we celebrate the anniversary of the Depot’s move, the day before Mother’s Day, with the Depot Day Classic Car Show. Depot Day is always the Saturday before Mother’s Day in May. Vendors on the lawn, cars on the streets, and lots of fun for everyone! The streets of Wallace are closed and filled with classic cars. Unique food booths and eclectic vendors fill the Depot Lawn. We hope you can come join the fun, look at the cars, and listen to some great music at the next Depot Day Celebration. Its a great time for all ages! The Depot Day Car Show is a major fundraiser for the Northern Pacific Depot Foundation. Whether you’re a Classic Car or Railroad buff, its a wonderful excuse to come out and show your support for the Depot! Register with the Northern Pacific Railroad Museum here: https://npdepot.org/annual-events-2/#car-show
Contact: npdepot@gmail.com
600 Bank Street
Wallace, ID, ID 83873 United States